Kildare South Constituency

Kildare South Constituency

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To: Oireachtas Members – Kildare South Constituency

Dear Oireachtas Member,

After the abortion law changed in 2019, 13,243 abortions took place in the first two years. This represents a massive 70+% increase in abortions in that short space of time. It is a far cry from the promise made by senior members of government in 2018 that abortion would be ‘rare’ if the referendum passed.

Right now, women are being kept in the dark about abortion alternatives. They simply aren’t being informed about other options. This appalling situation cannot continue. The latest Amárach poll commissioned by the Pro Life Campaign shows an overwhelming 89% of people support women being offered information about alternatives before proceeding with an abortion.

As my local representative, I ask you to do your utmost to ensure that alternatives to abortion are a top priority in the three-year review, and to ensure that space is made at the decision making table for people who offer a different perspective to those who push abortion to the exclusion of everything else.

There needs to be an open and honest debate on these and other aspects of the abortion issue, including addressing the horrific fact that babies who survive abortion are being left to die without medical care in Irish hospitals.

I would appreciate hearing what you propose to do in response to the issues raised here. Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,

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